Welcome back to Anytown Newsletter!
In this podcast episode, we remembered our childhood memories about caring animals / siblings, and talked about their reflections in Anytown's narrative. Also Zeynep described her research project about interactive and non-interactive animation. We also discussed about the ludic and narrative immersion in Anytown.
Don't forget to check our interview with Mobidictum in GIST 2018!
Finally spring has arrived in Brno and the game Orçun worked in was released. Hopefully we will be back in track in recording our next episodes more periodically! In our next episode Anytown Podcast #5 Game Design 102 we will continue to elaborate on our design process.
Do not forget to send us your childhood stories to take part in our Anytown Podcast #5.5: "What games you were playing in your childhood?" You can send us your memories as an audio, or simply, write us!
Thanks for all your e-mails, we always appreciate more feedback!